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Use the gotomaxx PDFMAILER spooling option for the automatic processing of multiple documents (e.g. batch printing) via gotomaxx PDFMAILER. Make sure to activate this option before starting spooling/batch printing.


The gotomaxx PDFMAILER spooling function should be used whenever multiple documents are to be processed automatically without user intervention.

Using the spooling function optimises the gotomaxx PDFMAILER memory management, which means that your documents are processed faster and more securely.

You also have complete control over your spooling job via the spooling function.

Any error occurring during document processing is recognised immediately and allows you to respond accordingly.


Here you can find out how to set up and usethe PDFMAILER spooling function.


We generally recommend creating a separate gotomaxx PDFMAILER printerspecifically for spooling jobs.